Home > Just start where you are...

Just start where you are...

July 10th, 2010 at 09:52 pm

Many years ago when I was struggling with unemployment after a long illness (a bit like now!) an old man I know gave me some good advice after listening to all that had happened. He just looked at me and said

"Just start where you are and do the very best with what you've got"

Looking back is not going to help. Getting started is. I plan to list each little things I do to become more frugal and debt free each day here.

- I stewed a huge amount of fruit that I got on special which usually would have gone bad if not eaten
- I did not renew 6 domains that were about to expire which saved $60
- I gave DS a haircut, saved $28
- canceled all automatic payments that were going on to credit cards

I also spoke to DH about how stressed out I am about our finances. I will hear this week about the job and once we know that we will sit down and review the budget in detail.

3 Responses to “Just start where you are...”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    That is excellent advice!!

  2. boomeyers Says:

    That's great your staying on top of things! I'm glad you are sharing your feelings with your DH too. Keep us posted about the job!

  3. Jan Says:

    yes, ccfree, sometimes I need a reminder to just focus on the here and now and what I can do, rather than what I should have done Smile
    thanks boomeyers, things will be much better once I know as then I can make solid plans one way or another.

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