Home > Making those phone calls.

Making those phone calls.

July 19th, 2010 at 07:02 am

Well today I had to make a phone call I was dreading to one of the credit card companies. I couldn't meet the payment arrangement I'd made with them. I was sick with worry and put it off all day!

When I rang and told them they were fine!! Just asked me when I thought I could make it, I said next week and they said, "No problem, just keep letting us know"
I feel so relieved!! I so am tired of feeling sick with worry, losing sleep and scraping by each day. The stress is playing a big part in me constantly being sick and unable to work.

I am trying to just do the right thing and tell creditors the truth about why I'm behind and in so much debt instead of avoiding them like I was before. So far it seems to be working out OK.

I should know by the end of this week if I have a new job or not. At least once I know, then I can make plans instead of feeling like I am just 'stuck' in debt.

6 Responses to “Making those phone calls.”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Good luck with the job! It is good to keep in contact with creditors and just do your best to make good on the payments.

  2. north georgia gal Says:

    Good luck! I hope you get the job. I have found that creditors are much more understanding if you stay in touch with them and let them know what is going on.

  3. Jerry Says:

    Making the call is almost always far better than letting it slide, because it leads the company to have some insurance that you are trying to be responsible and make things work. It can be really hard though, when the nerves kick in! Good luck on the new job, I hope it comes through for you.

  4. MomEsq Says:

    Good luck with things. Although I'm not a creditor, I see people who have been brought into court for defaulted credit cards. I suspect that if you stay in touch with the credit card companies, they hold off on legal action -which saves them headaches and money. So they're happier to hear from you than not!

  5. Rick Says:

    Good Luck !!

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